I’ve often wondered what makes a successful startup. Based on my own experience, I believe it comes down to three core pillars that must come together for a startup to thrive.Let’s start with each pillar: 1. The Technical-First Startup: This is the startup that has a solid idea and the technical ability to create a…
One of my earliest journeys into entrepreneurship, around 20 years ago, was with a friend. We had been asked to do websites for clients, but we were getting bored of doing the same thing repeatedly. This was in the early 2000s, and we decided – naively – to create a platform that allowed clients to…
Spoiler – I don’t! What’s been your career path? When you were younger or just leaving school, did you have a clear idea of what you wanted to do? Were you one of those fortunate people who, from early on, knew they wanted to be a doctor, a nurse, an engineer, or a teacher, and…
This is a game I used to play with my kids. But it came to mind more recently when we have been looking into what Research and Development actually entails. Is anything truly an invention or simple a build on something that came before. Is any innovation completely new or novel? However you define the…
It’s one of those questions we don’t often stop to think about. Most of us are consuming content daily—whether it’s podcasts, business advice, interviews, or politics. Maybe you’re a bit retro and prefer books or the radio—anything that isn’t music. In the past, you might have been called an avid reader. But if all you’re…
I often struggled with the fact that as a general technologist, I couldn’t label myself with a particular mastery or skill. Before leaving my last “proper job” I found it hard to find roles that fitted my more generalist approach which led me to reflect on my experience and think that perhaps I would have…