From the outside, success often looks effortless. Like a great athlete, an incredible singer, or a brilliant performer, successful businesses and software appear as if they’ve always been that way.But behind the scenes, there’s a different story: endless thought, effort, discussions (and sometimes arguments), testing, pivoting, feedback, and iteration.💡 Over the past 10 years, the…
Ever tried entering a password on a smart TV? It’s like writing a novel with an Etch-a-Sketch! That’s the kind of clunky design process we’ve all experienced. It’s frustrating, slow, and makes you wonder why technology – meant to make life easier – can sometimes feel so hard to use. I had my own “aha!”…
I’ve often wondered what makes a successful startup. Based on my own experience, I believe it comes down to three core pillars that must come together for a startup to thrive.Let’s start with each pillar: 1. The Technical-First Startup: This is the startup that has a solid idea and the technical ability to create a…
This is a game I used to play with my kids. But it came to mind more recently when we have been looking into what Research and Development actually entails. Is anything truly an invention or simple a build on something that came before. Is any innovation completely new or novel? However you define the…